Travis Mehlinger
Travis Mehlinger
Folks, `pkg_resources` solves this problem and it's been around forever. ``` python # requests/ import os.path import pkg_resources for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points( group='requests.ca_bundle', name=None): where = entry_point.load() break else: try:...
Requests already assumes setuptools is available.
D'oh, you got me there
Totally valid concern. My use case is to support trusting an internal CA without having to jump through hoops. I hadn't considered that some jerk could upload a malicious package...
I suspect he's having trouble with `login_user`. Say you have a fixture like this: ``` python @pytest.fixture def logged_in_user(request, test_user): flask_login.login_user(test_user) request.addfinalizer(flask_login.logout_user) ``` And a test like this: ``` python...
@vitalk, you're welcome. :) @tanyewei, the way I would solve your problem is by disabling authentication when you're running unit tests. You could run any tests that explicitly require login...
Any movement on this? I also work on a team behind corporate fence and this would be incredibly helpful. I'd be happy to adopt this change to move it along.
I'm also running into this. I'd really appreciate someone reviewing and merging it.
@kishorj thanks for checking this out, much appreciated!
Also running into this. A fix would be much appreciated.