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Add "AvailabilityZone:all" parameter to IP targets when TargetGroup is outside of Controller's VPC

Open a2ush opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments




Currently, when you deploy targetgroupbinding with ALB/NLB TargetGroup which is outside of Loadbalancer Controller's VPC, the Controller cannot do RegisterTargets API because it doesn't add "AvailabilityZone:all" parameter to IP targets.

[Loadbalancer Controller Log]

{"level":"error","ts":1658843126.3276293,"logger":"controller-runtime.manager.controller.targetGroupBinding","msg":"Reconciler error","reconciler group":"","reconciler kind":"TargetGroupBinding","name":"my-tgb","namespace":"default","error":"ValidationError: The Availability Zone is required for IP address '' because it is not in the VPC\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: b228b6b8-..."}

If the target type is ip and the IP address is in a subnet of the VPC for the target group, the Availability Zone is automatically detected and this parameter is optional. If the IP address is outside the VPC, this parameter is required.

This PR helps Loadbalancer Controller to add "AvailabilityZone:all" parameter to IP targets in this situation, by comparing TargetGroup's VPC with Loadbalancer Controller's VPC. That is, you will be able to register pod's IP address to other VPC's TargetGroups.

New Loadbalancer Controller's log

{"level":"info","ts":1658812216.264621,"msg":"registering targets","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<Region>:<AccountID>:targetgroup/my-tgb/1234567890","targets":[{"AvailabilityZone":"all","Id":"","Port":80},{"AvailabilityZone":"all","Id":"","Port":80},{"AvailabilityZone":"all","Id":"","Port":80}]}
{"level":"info","ts":1658812216.5066864,"msg":"registered targets","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<Region>:<AccountID>:targetgroup/my-tgb/1234567890"}


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a2ush avatar Jul 26 '22 14:07 a2ush

Welcome @a2ush!

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Thank you, and welcome to Kubernetes. :smiley:

k8s-ci-robot avatar Jul 26 '22 14:07 k8s-ci-robot

Hi @a2ush. Thanks for your PR.

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k8s-ci-robot avatar Jul 26 '22 14:07 k8s-ci-robot


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k8s-ci-robot avatar Jul 26 '22 14:07 k8s-ci-robot

Any chance of getting anyone to look into this? I am having the exact same problems as stated in the issue

daghsentinel avatar Oct 11 '22 08:10 daghsentinel

I'm also running into this. I'd really appreciate someone reviewing and merging it.

tmehlinger avatar Nov 30 '22 23:11 tmehlinger


kishorj avatar Dec 02 '22 19:12 kishorj

@kishorj thanks for checking this out, much appreciated!

tmehlinger avatar Dec 02 '22 20:12 tmehlinger

Thanks for your work on this, any idea when this bug fix might get merged in? We're running into this also and can't use aws-load-balancer-controller until this gets resolved.

pescetto avatar Feb 01 '23 18:02 pescetto

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k8s-triage-robot avatar May 02 '23 19:05 k8s-triage-robot

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k8s-triage-robot avatar Jun 01 '23 19:06 k8s-triage-robot

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k8s-triage-robot avatar Jul 01 '23 19:07 k8s-triage-robot

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k8s-ci-robot avatar Jul 01 '23 19:07 k8s-ci-robot