Tom Vincent

Results 40 issues of Tom Vincent

Firstly, thanks for easysoap. It's a particularly useful lighter alternative to node-soap in cases where you only need a client. The soap server I'm using uses HTTPs without a valid...

The included `rake` task is what I use to synchronise new posts on my [photoblog]( From given Flickr URL's, it uses the [Fleakr gem]( to pull in meta data, title,...

Issue #15 seems to be the last time discussion on sharing providers came up (which stalled after #20) and nothing seems to have happened since then. This pull request is...

An issue with SSL termination (citation needed) /cc @janl


If you pass in a nano config as the url, e.g. to set `requestDefaults` (#14): ``` js bootstrap({ url: 'http://localhost:5984', requestDefaults: { auth: { user: 'admin', pass: 'admin' } }...

Without this, if a PR is opened for a branch, Travis creates two builds; one for the branch and one for the PR itself. When Travis is configured (in the...


When using a public GitHub repo, a token with the following scopes is created: ``` read:org, repo, repo:status, repo_deployment, user:email, write:repo_hook ``` Are all these necessary? In ye olde times...

help wanted

Currently, the [Docker images]( only have the `latest` tag. Could you also tag the images on new releases? If you're using [automated builds](, you can configure it infer the tag...

Right now, two build targets are produced (`index.js` and `index.es2015.js`). Could we also add a browser-compatible target? I quickly hacked together [a build using rollup]( without realising rollupify also already...

help wanted