Sequoia aka Taylor Alexander

Results 47 comments of Sequoia aka Taylor Alexander

Hey thats great! I used my hack to download a few important videos but I have really wanted this to be a more reliable system I can run all the...

I think this one has resolved itself.

I would also like this feature. Of course it will be optional, respectful, open, and configurable. Here are my thoughts on implementing this here: I want my server to build...

I get this error too. It looks like the error has moved to line 323: ``` /home/taylor/Software/dev_ws/src/ros_tutorials/turtlesim/tutorials/teleop_turtle_key.cpp:323:7: error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘rclcpp_action::Client::GoalResponseCallback’ {aka ‘std::function’} and ‘TeleopTurtle::sendGoal(float)::’)...

Hi @audrow thanks for the reply. It turns out I had been using foxy but was trying to build the code for galactic. I've installed galactic and now the code...

I came here looking for an answer to this question. The Raspberry Pi driver has added this: I would love to use this on Jetson.

Hello! I've messed with those IMUs a little bit. I know in the sketches I was using, there is an interrupt to read the MPU that fires when the data...