Sequoia aka Taylor Alexander

Results 47 comments of Sequoia aka Taylor Alexander

Well it looks like I can run VahanaVR but not videostitch-studio. When I try to run videostitch-studio I get this output: ``` Found 1 device QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting...

Sure. Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS I've tried the recommended cmake command (but I moved in to the stitchEm directory): cmake -DGPU_BACKEND_CUDA=ON -DGPU_BACKEND_OPENCL=ON -G Ninja . I still get the errors with:...

Sure I will install from scratch again. I've cloned the repo fresh and rerun the dependency installation commands. There were "0 changes" after running the install command, so yes everything...

Wow the binaries seem to work! I can run videostitch-studio after adding that folder to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I will test it shortly. I did a build with the default gcc, which...

Thank you! I am really happy for your help and for this software. Please let me know if there's anything I could do to help. Also I could open a...

Well I think that was with the binary from the automatic builds. Trying a build with the updated cmake command to see if something built on my system still has...

For the regular build on my system I am still getting errors. I cloned the repo from scratch again, made a build directory, and ran cmake from there: `cmake -DGPU_BACKEND_CUDA=ON...

Weird that this issue is back, I thought I fixed it by compiling with gcc7.5... Maybe I'm too tired and made a mistake. I can double check tomorrow.

Oh, good to know! videostitch-cmd was not executable. Once I set the executable bit I was able to process video. It works using CPU output. Unfortunately if I select either...

I have ordered ten boards through JLCPCB assembly service, which should arrive in about two weeks. I would like to send free boards to people who have the skills and...