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📝. A lightweight library for managing forms in Svelte

Results 63 svelte-forms-lib issues
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### Motivation I have some custom Input. It's accept mask to format value and export value. DOM input element has masked value, but component export already unmasked value. When I...

## Example of nice API: react-final-form-arrays Coming to this library from [react-final-form](, there are a lot of things I miss from it. I really liked how clean, consistent, and extensible...

1. `on:change `and `on:blur` are not firing with custom validation. 2. `on:change` is not firing with yup validation. `on:blur` works with yup as expected. So error messages do not disappear...

good first issue

Hi, I just implemented the Submit componente to handle submit button with isValid state handled. I fixed an error in isValid computation as for me isValid should only depends on...

A list of collaborative / project update to `svelte-forms-lib` which will make contributing, publishing, and fixing issues easier. Feel free to submit a PR for any of the following: -...

What do you think about adding an action like this to the `Field` component: ```js export const selectTextOnFocus = ( node ) => { const handleFocus = event => {...


### Summary vite-plugin-svelte produces a warning message for svelte-forms-lib. ``` [vite-plugin-svelte] WARNING: The following packages have a svelte field in their package.json but no exports condition for svelte. [email protected] Please...


I am building a form similar to this (using the helper components): My validation works _pre submit_, however, when I make my request to save my data and encounter...

I was using the following schema. ```javascript const { form, errors, handleChange, handleSubmit } = createForm({ initialValues: { name: '', description: '', features: [''] }, validationSchema: object().shape({ name: string().required('name is...

I don't know if it already exists and I'm not aware of it but I think we should have a reset method on form and use that to reset form...
