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📝. A lightweight library for managing forms in Svelte

Results 63 svelte-forms-lib issues
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### Summary In usage with `yup` input validator there is a different error being shown when editing the input field, compared to when submitting the form. ### Steps to reproduce...


in function `handleSubmit` errors were being mapped from first to last, last being the only saved one (and shown to the user), which was wrong. Reversing the array before map()...

### Summary When creating a form according to the basic example on the website there is some configuration that leads to multiple and inconsistent updates to form values. ```svelte


`updateValidateField` returns the result of `validateFieldValue` which returns a Promise

While working on a form with a custom validation function, I encountered behaviour inconsistent with the type declaration file: The validate function is typed as taking the entire form props...


Hi. I fix **initialValues** when object have **Date** value. I replace cloneDeep function using this polyfill library

### Problem to solve Bootstrap's validation CSS allows for marking the input fields themselves invalid via class `is-invalid`. Doing so also triggers displaying a following `class="invalid-feedback"` message. To implement this,...


svelte-forms-lib throw this error message in sveltekit : TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'name') We should check element before handling change event.

### Summary With TypeScript, I would like to both use the helper components and have the values passed to my onSubmit handler be typed. In order to do this, I...


PRs are welcome! ### Problem to solve As a developer, when I don't use the `handleChange` helper, I want the other stores to be updated when a form value is...
