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Project updates

Open larrybotha opened this issue 4 years ago • 11 comments

A list of collaborative / project update to svelte-forms-lib which will make contributing, publishing, and fixing issues easier. Feel free to submit a PR for any of the following:

  • [x] automate semantic version publishing to NPM
    • requires:
      • [x] semantic-release for automatic versioning based on commit messages
      • [x] commitizen for a commit convention that semantic-release can use to determine version numbers for releases
      • [x] Travis / Github actions for automating publishing
  • [x] add .prettierrc.js for consistent formatting for all contributors
    • [x] husky pre-push hook to automate formatting for contributors not using prettier
  • [x] add linting to tests
  • [ ] add test coverage and badge
  • [x] add a link to a simple svelte-forms-lib codesandbox template in bug template to encourage SSCCE repros of issues
  • [ ] rewrite in TypeScript / add definitions

larrybotha avatar Jul 06 '20 04:07 larrybotha

Hi @larrybotha, awesome work.

A quick FYI — last time I checked codesandbox contained a bug when using the $ shorthand for accessing observable values. See So you might run into issues when adding that template.

Regarding TypeScript — When I wrote this lib, the Svelte team was still working on TypeScript support. If by now TS is supported I'd happily spent some time with the conversion.

tjinauyeung avatar Jul 06 '20 07:07 tjinauyeung

@tjinauyeung ok, great to know about the Codesandbox issue.

There's a language server that's had a lot of work recently: I'm not sure if it's ready yet, as I'm waiting for things to stabilise before I use it, and there's still a lot of activity. The TS task can be low priority until someone's brave enough to give it a bash in :P

larrybotha avatar Jul 06 '20 15:07 larrybotha

Notes on preparing a project for semantic-release:

larrybotha avatar Jul 08 '20 03:07 larrybotha

@tjinauyeung FYI the TypeScript LSP for Svelte has been deemed production-ready!

I don't use VSCode, so I'll have to see what support looks like for me, but I'm keen to give it a bash this weekend and will let you know if I have any reservations.

larrybotha avatar Jul 08 '20 18:07 larrybotha

@tjinauyeung I've added a .travis.yml, but I can't see this project in my Travis account - I might need to be given an elevated role on the project by you.

Also, please add me as a contributor on NPM - I can then evaluate the full deployment process.

EDIT: oh yes, regarding the new language server - seems to be working ok in Vim at least. Not quite as good as the TS experience, but at least nothing broken. Will probably be great in VSCode.

larrybotha avatar Jul 13 '20 04:07 larrybotha

@tjinauyeung I just tried to replicate the codesandox issue mentioned above and it appears that this has been resolved:

tiaanduplessis avatar Jul 13 '20 11:07 tiaanduplessis

@larrybotha, I've added you on NPM as well.

@tiaanduplessis That's great news. I might move the examples in the docs to codesandbox in the future!

tjinauyeung avatar Jul 13 '20 21:07 tjinauyeung

@larrybotha if you haven't gotten to it, I'll proceed and add a Codesandbox template in bug template to encourage repros of issues?

tiaanduplessis avatar Jul 14 '20 14:07 tiaanduplessis

@tiaanduplessis excellent, go ahead :)

larrybotha avatar Jul 14 '20 15:07 larrybotha

@tjinauyeung thanks for adding me to NPM. Took a quick look at Github actions as an alternative to Travis, but only collaborators with admin access can configure repo secrets.

If you add svelte-forms-lib at I may be able to continue with configuring semantic-release and automated versioning.

larrybotha avatar Jul 16 '20 03:07 larrybotha

Added it to

Screenshot 2020-07-16 at 09 10 13

tjinauyeung avatar Jul 16 '20 07:07 tjinauyeung