
Results 12 issues of Tjark

> This issue has the same problem as #153. A good solution would probably resolve both issues at once. Hi there 👋 I have a problem using this library with...


Hi everyone! I just ran into a bug, where `res.clearCookie()` does not work properly. ## What happen? According to the typescript definitions, `res.clearCookie()` accepts `CookieOptions` as a second parameter (see...


This pr fixes #4851. I have ... - [X] added a new test that covers my changes - [X] run linter


> **As a** User > **I want** to setup a webhook connector with support of Discord embeds > **so that** I do not have to setup a Discord Bot ##...

:sparkles: new feature
🦺 need assignee

> **As a** user > **I want** have one docker image including all dependencies > **so that** I do not have to use docker compose etc. ## Description: To setup...

:sparkles: new feature

> **As a** User > **I want to** set the language of backend > **so that** I can understand error messages within the frontend ## Description: Right now, we are...

:sparkles: new feature
🌐 i18n

> ⚠️ This user story is a draft and will be implemented only if it becomes really necessary. So give it a +1 if u need this! > **As a**...

:sparkles: new feature

> **As a** User > **I want** to see directly in Discord when the Bot will fetch for updates next time. > **so that** I can estimate if it will...

:sparkles: new feature

> **Als ein** User > **will ich** Nachrichten über Telegram erhalten > **weil ich** andere Messanger nicht nutze/nutzen möchte. ## Beschreibung: Es sollen noch andere Messanger-Dienste unterstützt werden. Der Telegram...

:sparkles: new feature