Titus Shoats
Titus Shoats
Hello, I was wondering is it possible to detect All Wordpress Plugins that are being used for a given URL? For instance, similar to wpscan, that detects old versions of...
Is there a way to compile this for LG WebOS TV Simulator? How do we compile for a tv device such as Samsung, tizen, lg, etc..? Any advice or help...
Hello I would like to know if someone can point me in the right direction on adding JUCE MidiKeyboard Component to use with Helio's Piano Roll? I know its possible....
Hello I was wondering what steps are needed to turn hydrogen into a VST. Im sure it can be done. I know I would need to download steinbergs VST SDK....
Hello quick question is it possible to add WebView or WebEngine?. Can anyone give me any advice on how one would go about doing this, or even if its possible?...
Hey, I see this is for linux, is there a way to get this to compile on windows? Thanks
Hello I would like to know if its possible to make Aria Maestosa a VST? I have downloaded vst 2.4 SDK, and built Aria from source, but not really sure...
I've successly installed Ad Ex Platform locally, but it seems as though [Goerli testnet ETH] is no longer working with AdEx. I;ve tried Sepolia Network but with no luck. Is...