Roelof Berkepeis

Results 100 comments of Roelof Berkepeis

> ME: in the CuteChess info window, besides the spent thinking time also the eval value could be shown ? I guess this value is somewhere in the code for...

yes, now Andoma works in my CuteChess ! But it only outputs the duration of the thinking time, no eval cp value and no reached depth ..

i have some remark but this issue is closed !?

thanks. I could have been more specific .. i know the UCI protocol and i'm familiar with "position fen [..]" but when using CuteChess (which should handle every proper UCI...

CuteChess is good quality open source for the 3 OS'. Many people use it and reference it. You should certainly test it with Andoma. I have "issues" with other engines...

@puemos all videos on (Dutch) nowadays are DRM protected i think .. these are good examples.

@puemos it would be nice if a program / addon can be developed to capture DRM protected videos .. do you know a way anyhow? Does it need research? (Aside...

@flipflopapp although your reply seems no reaction to my issue, i want to respond with a positive note : on i see youre a programmer in node.js and do...

> Hmm... this sounds like it is related to #382. i saw that recent Issue .. indeed, after installing i have an icon in my XFCE start menu, like any...

i did not try the development version yet