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[CuteChess] play with FEN ?
Andoma does not play when a FEN position is given. It only plays from the initial starting position ..
Here's an example of passing a FEN position via the UCI protocol.
$ python
position fen rnbqk1nr/p1ppppbp/1p4p1/8/2P5/2Q5/PP1PPPPP/RNB1KBNR b KQkq - 0 1
>>> position fen rnbqk1nr/p1ppppbp/1p4p1/8/2P5/2Q5/PP1PPPPP/RNB1KBNR b KQkq - 0 1
>>> go
>>> {'positions': 9128, 'time': 1.6894989013671875}
bestmove g7c3
I've also updated the README in to make this clearer, thanks.
i have some remark but this issue is closed !?
@tissatussa perhaps I misunderstood the issue.
Can you provide a way to reproduce the problem? Happy to look into this for you 🙂
thanks. I could have been more specific .. i know the UCI protocol and i'm familiar with "position fen [..]" but when using CuteChess (which should handle every proper UCI engine) Andoma plays only a first move (white or black) but the second move fails : CuteChess reports the engine lost the game : 1-0 : "Black disconnects" .. i guess Andoma is not receiving the opponent move from CuteChess .. BTW. you type "go" and i know "go infinite" and others .. but i don't know how CuteChess communicates with an engine .. giving a max time limit for a game, how does an engine know to return a best move and stop evaluating ? (& maybe start pondering, until another "position fen & go" is received)
Ah, I developed enough of the UCI protocol to ensure that it would be able to play basic games (e.g. no knowledge of time left etc.) on lichess via ShailChoksi/lichess-bot.
There may be something missing. I'm not familiar with CuteChess but perhaps someone will see this issue and take it on.
I'll reopen this and add [CuteChess]
to the title.
CuteChess is good quality open source for the 3 OS'. Many people use it and reference it. You should certainly test it with Andoma. I have "issues" with other engines available on GitHub and communicate with creators .. only some simple engines fail in CuteChess : then something basic must be wrong ..