Tirumarai Selvan

Results 131 comments of Tirumarai Selvan

@mmaderic Glad to hear it! The work is still to be released. Although it is usable via the preview image: `hasura/graphql-engine:pull3557-2e391cf9` and sample code: https://gist.github.com/gautambt/b852e3052c6c6f02fcd52415ce3937b1 We are aiming to release...

FYI, webhook mode respects `Expires` and `Cache-Control` values via https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/commit/5b54f9d76629383da854cc16fb9667ea36b96218 Read more here: https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/auth/authentication/webhook.html#response

Also see https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/issues/28

Dockerhub and GCR added through https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/pull/61

Refer this issue for ECR: https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/issues/68

Key features have been listed in https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/tree/master#features . Keeping this issue open for further addition of comparisons with other tools, etc

You can also check for the git remote url using kubectl: `kubectl get remote myremote -o yaml` and look in the status section. See https://github.com/hasura/gitkube#deploying-application

Does this happen for each push? Does this happen even if you delete the `gitkubed` pod from the `kube-system` namespace (hence creating a new pod) ?

Also see https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/issues/29

One way is to ask (infer) the repo in remote CR and create tags instead of creating repositories i.e. `tirumarai/test:247ff5` (dockerhub) becomes `tirumarai:test-247ff5` (ecr)