Tirumarai Selvan
Tirumarai Selvan
https://3factor.app/use-cases.html Curent use-cases: - Uber for X - Personalised recommendations - Chat bots - Realtime analytics Additional use-cases (Todo): - IoT
How to perform authentication (sign-in/sign-up) in a 3factor app?
The backend may be down. Although 3factor ensures that we receive a success when it comes back up but what about the duration till the backend is down?
When the graphql server endpoint is wrong, then the following error is encountered. A better error message is expected. For e.g in the below, the correct url should have been...
Gitkube runs on most Kubernetes distributions/vendors as per the install instructions in README. But in some cases, there may be more configuration required to correctly setup for e.g. exposing the...
Add docs/registry.md with instructions on how to create docker-secret for different registry providers like dockerhub, gcr, quay, etc
Seems like after gitkube cli was launched, all instructions are based on the cli.
ECR currently does not automatically create repositories on push unlike docker hub. How (where) should we handle this logic ?
Currently, pre-receive hook is fixed: https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/blob/master/build/gitkubed/pre_receive.sh We want to make it scriptable to enable : https://github.com/hasura/gitkube/issues/20 Each hook probably needs variables from the remote like DEPLOYMENTS, REGISTRY_PREFIX. For pre-receive, we...