Tirumarai Selvan

Results 131 comments of Tirumarai Selvan

Sample client + code: https://gist.github.com/gautambt/b852e3052c6c6f02fcd52415ce3937b1

You can do this in your webhook using the run_sql API: https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/api-reference/schema-metadata-api/run-sql.html#api-run-sql

@elgordino Heyo! Sorry for the wait. We tried few benchmarks with a monotonic id generated via pg_advisory_locks and it is really fast. It can be set up via a `BEFORE...

Related: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/2881

@jacdx Yes, this will be picked up very soon.

@flobaader We just released `v1.3.4-beta1` which will allow joining String, Int or UUID types with `ID` type.

I think we can do 1). 2\) has the following nuances: i) You can't insert, update or delete ANY view natively (only simple views) ii) A nicer abstraction would be...

@jasonmccallister Wouldn't you expect it be under the name of the relationship? i.e inside `new` or `old` I have extra relationship objects with keys like `booksByAuthorId` ?

One of the biggest concern for having relationship data in event trigger is how do you reason about consistency in an async system. E.g. Say, you send a payload with...