Dave Conroy

Results 356 comments of Dave Conroy

Not having a mac to test this on I'm stumped. You are seeing the same issue with the "official" MariaDB/Mysql image that you are with mine so I'm leaning towards...

I think you are doing everything right - This does seem like OS specific, hopefully another Mac user can jump in here. There is another way you can do this....

@PARitter In relation to that, I believe this issue https://github.com/docker-library/mysql/issues/57 relates to the ZFS filesystem.

Too bad - I run strictly btrfs on my filesystems, however haven't encountered this. The puzzle continues.

Oh boy, Freepbx at it again. For the first issue I am pushing a new version of `tiredofit/freepbx:develop` - Can you pull that image and test. If it works well...

On some new installs I have seen that as well. When following their guide, it talks about adding ffmpeg, which we do have installed in the image. I haven't found...

Not so much. I basically end up on Github when work is slow to maintain these images - In the past 4 weeks things have been nothing more than insane,...

Remind me how we are calling this? I'm wondering if the logging is appearing somewhere else (ie the asterisk files). The script is running in the background, hence wouldn't send...

During the Docker Build I do a bunch of folder/symbolic link movements for any volatile information, such as Asterisk, Mysql, Cron. mapping the volume of /data inside the container should...

You would need multiple IPs to perform that to expose your SIP, and RTP Ports, but yes it is possible.