Dave Conroy

Results 356 comments of Dave Conroy

Images are live..

Lets start fresh, by deleting the data, db and logs folder and see if you get a better result. If it fails again, let's try `DEBUG_MODE=TRUE` in your environment variables...

Can you send me your entire logs with DEBUG_MODE=TRUE turned on to dave at my github username? Will see what I can find.

Thank's for the log. ```dirmngr' failed: IPC connect call failed``` is standing out to me. We've seen Freepbx perform changes in the past that has broken the image from installing...

I've tried to recreate this 4 times and don't get the same results. Could this be an OS level issue? I'm using Arch, Kernel 5.0.0, Docker 18.09.3-ce.

I've just pushed a new release moving the PHP repo from .xyz back to .org (They had a domain issue earlier this year) however that shouldn't be the magic bullet...

Hi can you try using my `tiredofit/mariadb` image and see if the issue persists?

Even with a fresh install? (ie clearing all data volumes and databases)? I am not able to recreate but will try further.

Hi it would be the CDR module. If you are running the seperate DB as I have there is a script that I have left inside the container called `upgrade-cdr`...

Backup and Restore Module should work, however cleanest would probably be just trying to restore from a data base backup and then install manually the modules again if they ask...