Dave Conroy

Results 356 comments of Dave Conroy

It definitely works but not for the faint of heart, I'm running successfully at a handful of very large (300+ extension) sites as are others, but there are definite quirks...

Another way to avoid all the NAT nonsense is just run it with `network: host` however that sort of defeats the whole purpose of the image so that you can...

Theoretically it should work. I've not tried it personally just the standard Docker Bridge mode and my included Reverse Proxy config. I would definitely need to see some logs (try...

You are almost there. Since I don't have custom script support added into the image (I will add), your easiest bet is to do this: Add a file called `20-asterisk_reg`...

I suppose it all depends on your script - If you had it in services.d it would execute again if the process finished which is maybe what you want. In...

Yes, makes sense with your while statement in your script. The custom script functionality runs before everything starts (I use this to overwrite certain files, or do some modifications). Try...

Sorry about this - this is getting way more complicated than it needs to be. Instead of sending your secondary script to /var/run/s6/services could you try to send to /etc/services.d/...

This one seems really familiar to me. Can you check the permissions inside the container on that directory? Also, would this work by a simple restart (which should reset all...

@ntableman Your database is failing so the whole initial install fails. Internal DB? External DB? What's the host and what filesystem are you using?

@rusxakep Do you think this is because of the symlink that is in place? This has been a long standing issue for those using WSL 1, and also has reared...