Tim Davis
Tim Davis
Thank you so much @Observiert , been banging my head on a wall for hours trying to get it to work
I have the same issue, we have a project deploying to Azure Web App, the /swagger/index.html produces 'Not Found', any thoughts?
Added to the queue
Ah, good catch, I never tried doing multiple columns, oops. This is added.
Andreas, I would have to design the control, you can attempt it if you like, but I will add this to the list.
Currently things are a little wacky. In order to get a radio button matrix to work we had to take advantage of private API's, since the App Store rejects any...
I'll take a look and see how complicated Apple made this one to subclass.
hmmm...I don't remember ever getting a notice of this one, I'll definitely get this and your other fixes in the repo, thanks for the help and sorry for the late...
This is a known issue, I've been trying to solve it for awhile. I'll keep you posted.
Chris, sorry for the delay, long day at work today. I should get a chance to look at this tomorrow, just wanted to stop and let you know I did...