Tim Suchanek

Results 44 comments of Tim Suchanek

Yep, it exists with a random String. I created a new instance and tried it again, it still fails. I still get the following console output: ``` sh $ dokku...

Yep, the container is running: ``` sh $ sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES af20baa0bc43 jeffutter/mongodb:latest /usr/bin/mongod --db 4 hours ago Up 4 hours>27017/tcp...

@iskandar Thanks for the instructions! I'm using a 30gb EBS volume, 70% is free. It's a t1.micro instance. So I didn't put it into another volume, because it should work...

Hey, good idea! I'm not a shell pro, can you tell me how to add some logging at that point? Yeah, meanwhile I now create my own mongodb docker image...

Btw: Isn't the docker container just available locally to the host machine? Then disabling the credentials shouldn't be a problem. What do you think?

Ok. I at least found a work-around. (Using the newest dokku/docker) I'm still not sure, why the problems occured for me and not for you, but I saw, that the...

I just tried to get it working with a very basic example without Prisma Client - even that doesn't work with the latest `typescript@next`. https://github.com/timsuchanek/top-level-await Do you know of any...

Update about top-level await: I just talked to Andrew from the TypeScript team, and it looks like it’s not yet what we think it is. So what [this PR](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/35813/files?file-filters%5B%5D=.js&file-filters%5B%5D=.symbols&file-filters%5B%5D=.ts&file-filters%5B%5D=.txt&file-filters%5B%5D=.types#diff-b0af6bd9d1d8b206a6b9ac13af6deab3R263) just...

Thanks @johannesschobel! We'll have a look how to make this possible. Would generating type-safe repositories for all models already solve your use-case?

Thanks everyone for your comments! After getting seduced to a quick fix, we realized, that this has negative consequences for other use-cases that we don't want to introduce. Example: ```ts...