Tim Suchanek

Results 44 comments of Tim Suchanek

Thanks! Yes with `up upgrade -t 0.7.3` we're good to go :) Now we can finally deploy again 🙏

Shameless plug: You may wanna have a look at https://graphcdn.io, which takes care of the caching altogether. You can put it in front of your Vercel API route.

Thanks for moving this discussion forward so far! We just found fundamental limitations with this approach, that I describe here: https://github.com/graphql-binding/graphql-binding/issues/80

I think @acao was thinking of Vite, which I'd be totally ok with. From my side you can go ahead and move to Vite. Curious what @acao thinks

Thanks for providing this context @acao ! That plan makes total sense to me. @rxliuli do you have capacity to work on the steps Rikki outlined?

Thanks for posting this feature request! We're tracking the progress of the SQLite connector already in this issue: https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/2460 So I'm closing this one in favor of #2460.

@mxstbr my apologies 🙌 that indeed is a separate issue.

In case you want to try out, if Prisma Client would work with `pg-mem`, you can try out our integration tests in https://github.com/prisma/prisma/tree/master/src/packages/tests We also have a more extensive test...

See for reference https://github.com/graphql/graphiql/issues/2122, which also tracks complementary issues

Awesome, thanks for the context, we'll have a look into those tasks once we tackle any `monaco-graphql` related things. I'll also ping you again before working on it just to...