
Results 73 comments of Tim

I've tried but nothing happens.

> > I've tried but nothing happens. > > If the command succeeds, there is no message printed on the screen. Have you checked if the device is mounted on...

> What if you mount it read-only? > > ``` > /sbin/mount_fusefs auto /mnt fuse-ext2 -o 'ro' /dev/da0s1 /mnt > ``` sorry for delay. nothing happens

should i enable it manually? `usermount = true`

> For me, using lazygit with floaterm has been an awesome experience and I haven't looked back since. > > But to be honest, I'm not sure if there's much...

> @timsofteng which bugs have you encountered? For example, if I press `q` in floaterm with lazygit it sometimes still in empty floaterm window and I have to close this...

Hm. I still don't understand how can I know specific indexes of array's elements? Imagine I have big complex template. How can I grab outputs?

> At this moment I have on Arch Linux `gtk4 4.6.0`. What is the version on Void? Same on Void.

> Which desktop environment are you using? This may be some kind gtk4 bug. Sway