
Results 73 comments of Tim

@natebosch here is error when when open vue file or type something or whe I try to go to definition ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51912173/108505811-a60ba380-72c0-11eb-8b1f-63711aa850d8.png) Nothing working. Even completion.

@Seybo Imagine you need to work on two branches in parallel. It would be great just switch to another branch and get needed workflow immediately.

@max397574 sure Startuptime: ``` times in msec clock self+sourced self: sourced script clock elapsed: other lines 000.010 000.010: --- NVIM STARTING --- 001.439 001.430: locale set 003.452 002.013: inits 1...

Looks like problems is in configs... Profile: ``` Config for nvim-cmp took 454.971641ms Config for nvim-tree.lua took 16.261027ms Config for telescope.nvim took 15.946595ms Config for nvim-lspconfig took 13.372699ms Config for...

Here is my `cmp` config: ``` local cmp = require'cmp' local luasnip = require 'luasnip' cmp.setup { snippet = { expand = function(args) require'luasnip'.lsp_expand(args.body) end }, mapping = { ['']...

Doesn't work on `nixos` in `foot` terminal even with this flag `ytfzf --thumb-disp-method=chafa`

> @timsofteng you also need `--show-thumbnails` Thanks! Yes, it works with ansi format. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51912173/127459957-a847c281-8f81-4fd5-a3e2-10853bc106a7.png) P.s is it limitation of fzf? Images in terminal is a big pain... Tmux doesn't suppor...

Is it any news about it?

> I also made my experimental TUI using [skim](https://github.com/lotabout/skim) and `w3m` > > ``` > sk --ansi -c 'himalaya list -s 200' --preview "himalaya read {1} -t html | w3m...

Sorry for the late reply. I have no incompatibles between fd and ugrep. The main question was in efficiency. I read ugrep use some algorithms which are better than in...