Timothee Cour

Results 307 issues of Timothee Cour

@SSPkrolik I can't connect to mongodb atlas (mongodb hosted on aws) Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. create a mongodb instance on https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/signup (free tier available) 2. try to connect...

since nim as of https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/14176 I get this error: > Error: Cannot make async proc discardable. Futures have to be checked with `asyncCheck` instead of discarded for example from here:...

the following code should fail on the 2nd time `doAssert ai` is reached because insert fails (we're inserting with same `_id`): ```nim import std/[ oids, asyncdispatch, ] import nimongo/bson import...

## note this is irrelevant if sync is deprecated, see https://github.com/SSPkrolik/nimongo/issues/61 ## body the following is just an example take from codebase; there are other such examples. The code duplication...

this generates a single insert: ```nim import std/[ oids, asyncdispatch, ] import nimongo/bson import nimongo/mongo proc test_sync2= var m = newMongo() doAssert m.connect() let mc = m["tmp"]["tnimongo"] let doc =...

for context see here: https://github.com/SSPkrolik/nimongo/pull/57#issuecomment-439519845

## validation at CT to make programs more type safe and prevent errors due to field name or type, the following would be very useful: ```nim type Doc = object...

mongodb command line client supports specifying fields without quotes: ``` {foo: "bar"} can be used instead of: {"foo": "bar"} ``` I'm wondering whether this idea could be used in nimongo/bson...

/cc @wheineman * uses parseopt to allow --cc:clang at runtime (no need to recompile sources) * fixes some deprecations * added .gitignore * fixes https://github.com/wheineman/nrpl/issues/15 * workaround for https://github.com/wheineman/nrpl/issues/16 *...