Timothee Cour

Results 307 issues of Timothee Cour

continuing of https://github.com/kaushalmodi/std_vector/issues/4 since the other repo was merged here ## example ```nim when defined case2: import cppstl/std_vector type Foo = object x: int proc `=destroy`*(a: var Foo) {.inline.} =...

@zaccharles on OSX, if I `open frontend/client.html` directly I get: `Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.` so i tried: ``` python3 -m http.server 7025 ``` then navigate to http://localhost:7024/client.html...

in most programs (eg rg, yq, less etc), there's an option to write colors even if output is redirected (to stdout or a file etc). Can we either honor the...

## moar doesn't syntax highlight json I thought moar was using chroma to syntax highlight but: `moar foo.json` doesn't syntax highlight `cat foo.json|moar --lang json` doesn't syntax highlight `chroma foo.json`...

### Example ```nim when true: proc identity[T](a: var T): var T = echo (a, ) a proc main() = var a = 1 var b = 2 swap(identity(a), identity(b)) static:...


feel free to close as off topic, but just wanted to open this as a placeholder for discussion, or in case someone has already built it and is willing to...

```nim when true: # D20200814T190741 import pkg/anonimongo import std/sha1 let uriserver = "mongodb+srv://myuser:[email protected]/admin?ssl=true" var mongo = newMongo(uri = uriserver, poolconn = 2) mongo.slaveOk doAssert waitfor mongo.connect ``` ``` nim cpp...

previous instances: https://github.com/treeform/fidget/issues/121 https://github.com/treeform/fidget/issues/133 https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/runs/2610679279 is there something in fidget's CI that can be done to catch those failures before a merge? ``` PASS: [6/35] docopt c (21.62 sec) FAIL:...

this issue tracks the 2nd issue mentioned in https://github.com/SSPkrolik/nimongo/issues/87#issuecomment-670798705 to keep https://github.com/SSPkrolik/nimongo/issues/87 focused on `mongodb+srv`. copying over that post for context: thanks for your quick reply! I've looked at https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/mongodb-3-6-here-to-SRV-you-with-easier-replica-set-connections?jmp=fcb&utm_source=4244&utm_medium=FBPAGE&utm_term=4&linkId=50841309...