Timothee Cour

Results 307 issues of Timothee Cour

* zsh allows `undo` last editing command, so that we can undo the effects of `CTRL-W` for example * [EDIT] zsh allows to skip duplicates when navigating history (they're saved...


RIGHT_ARROW_KEY works but not `ALT + RIGHT_ARROW_KEY` which prints `[C` instead of `move cursor right by one word` could shift `SHIFT + RIGHT_ARROW_KEY` be used maybe?


zsh allows the very useful history recall based on what you already started typing so that: abc will recall abcfoo but not bar if abcfoo and bar are in history,...


@Araq > for me every slide is empty! works for me; let me know if it still doesn't work after those steps: ``` git clone https://github.com/araq/fosdem2020 cd fosdem2020 git checkout...

fix https://github.com/rnag/dotwiz/issues/24 @rnag @orlof also relevant articles: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51540806/how-to-auto-update-keys-from-a-class-inherited-from-dict/51541098#51541098 https://towardsdatascience.com/python-inheritance-should-you-inherit-from-dict-or-userdict-9b4450830cbb https://treyhunner.com/2019/04/why-you-shouldnt-inherit-from-list-and-dict-in-python/ http://www.kr41.net/2016/03-23-dont_inherit_python_builtin_dict_type.html https://stackoverflow.com/a/39375731/1426932 regarding inheriting from dict vs UserDict vs collections.abc.MutableMapping, which involves tradeoffs in performance vs complexity; in particular https://treyhunner.com/2019/04/why-you-shouldnt-inherit-from-list-and-dict-in-python/...

```d enum def2=` message Node { Node node1 = 1; Node node2 = 2; } `; mixin ProtocolBufferFromString!(def2); void test2(){ Node node; node.node1=Node(); node.node1.node2=Node(); import std.stdio; writeln(node); } ``` Error:...

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18873924/what-does-the-protobuf-text-format-look-like ref: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/cpp/google.protobuf.text_format#TextFormat.Parser.WriteLocationsTo.details I only see json and binary serialization (wire format) the text format is more convenient than json and is commonly used would be nice to have it...

replying to a private email I received so others can chime in here: > Do not you think that it's time to implement generation of D code directly > into...

@msoucy proto syntax supports annotations via option: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto ``` import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { optional float my_field_option = 50002; } message MyMessage { optional int32 foo = 1 [(my_field_option) =...

@msoucy in C++ we can write: ``` message MyMessage{ optional Foo foo=1; } message Foo{ optional Bar bar=1; } message Bar{ optional string baz=1; } ``` ``` MyMessage a; a.mutable_foo()->mutable_bar()->set_baz("hello");...