Hello, Can you please tell us a little bit more about your use-case? What types of options can the user choose from here? And why do you not accept free...
To fix unit test errors with the documentation snapshots, you need to run `npm run build` and update the snapshots. Something like: `npx jest --watch -c jest.unit.config.js src/__tests__/documenter.test.ts` and then...
Is "Icon margin escaping Button inline link variant container" the best description for the release notes? I would be more clear with what we're fixing.
(ugh, why can't I do top-level threads in GitHub?!) I don't have any suggestion for the PR title, because I still don't really understand what we're trying to fix 😅
Can you show me more of the error message please? And what Python version are you using?
Hi Mark, to be honest, I havent touched this code in a long time. I'm not sure what I would have to do to make this Py3 compatible, and I...