Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

Since this PR still has conflicts and for `asynccli` haven't been any contributions in years I'm going to close this here.

`python-responder` seems to have vanished. I'm going to close this PR.

@optroodt @sryza Can you reproduce @lsatterfield's fix?

You can put the code in backticks. See https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-and-highlighting-code-blocks (you can edit your post above) 🎉

Good catch! Give me a day or two to find some spare time! If you'd want to implement it by yourself - I'm happy to review PRs :tada:

Yeah, that's what I figured ... let's see if that's possible some how ;)

I've just released an alpha release [v0.6.0a1](https://pypi.org/project/colorful/0.6.0a1) which supports the basics of indexing and slicing. There are some limitations though: see the [README changes](https://github.com/timofurrer/colorful/pull/36/files#diff-04c6e90faac2675aa89e2176d2eec7d8) Could you please verify if that...

Are you sure that's a bug in `colorful`? The string with the unicode char is that really a Python 2 unicode string? Try using the `u""` string literal of import...
