Timo Sulg

Results 10 comments of Timo Sulg

Is it possible that clj-aws-s3 uses very old version, that just dont support PathStyleAccess? Here is versioninfo for clj-aws-s3: http://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/51447cdb7f984f0002002ec2

Well, i updated aws-sdk-java to latest version, then it automatically fallbacks to pathstyle when first request fails.

Hi, i'm going to work on suggesters over the weekend - got today simple completionsuggester to work with native-client and will add others too.

Hi, i'm able to join the forces and i can do some serious contributions next couple of weeks;

Hi, I'm almost done with this task, but I have a few question before i start preparing PR. Is it fine to add the additional dependency for the `Shield` plugin?...

Yes, it's a proprietary extension, managed and owned by Elastic and first install includes only 30days trial; [source](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/shield/current/license-management.html) That's why I am thinking of creating a new project `clojurewerkz.elastisch.shield`, which...

Thanks! I'm adding tests for all the new functionalities and i'm also going to re-use tests from `elastisch` to test that the Shield clients work as `rest-client` and `native-client`. I'm...