Results 10 issues of Tim Gilbert

Hi! I'm trying to use control to deploy some stuff to Amazon AWS. It's basically working ok, but I'm running into some problems trying to use libraries inside of the...

Hi, thanks for re-com, it is really useful and it's a great ready-made component library for re-frame. I have a feature request: it would be nice to be able to...


_Edit_: this behavior also holds true for `:ednfile` options; I didn't test `:yamlfile` but I imagine it's the same there. **version** 0.4.3 **platform** JVM 11 **problem** `:default` values for `:jsonfile`...

Cambada looks very cool, and I think it would help my team migrate from leiningen to tools.deps. One thing it's missing from our current workflow, though, is functionality like that...

I'm trying to upgrade my PMP installation from 2.24.0 to, and the installer fails every time I run it. When I just accept the "upgrade plex" dialog box, the...


I'm running Idea 2023.1.2 on Windows 11, opening a WSL2 project with Cursive `1.12.8-2023.1`. Whenever I open intellij I get two exceptions reported and (as far as I can tell)...

Hi, it's me again for my apparently annual shodan bug report! I like shodan a lot, especially since you fixed #2. I have another feature request following up on #2:...

It would be great if kioo offered support for the relatively new reagent library [re-frame]( I've been messing around with it and have been able to get it working, somewhat,...

I'm not sure what the intent is for `(replace-last-interceptor)` but it seems to aim to replace the built-in pedestal router with the reitit one instead. However, it doesn't actually do...

My org doesn't generally deploy snapshot artifacts, and I'd just as soon have essthree not try to check for them. I've got this in my project.clj: ```clojure :essthree {:repository {:bucket...