Zhou Kunqin
Zhou Kunqin
我这升级 wine 4.19 之后似乎可以正常运行了,原因不明
@wangborong12345 我后来按照 README 换成 deepin-wine 之后就再也没出过这个问题了。换成 deepin-wine 之前全靠运气,有时候一更新突然就好了,有时候突然又不行了。
@winoros Updated. PTAL~
@tisonkun I'll write for this section. Please assign this to me~
For now, tidb can only generate IndexMerge path when the conditions for indexes are directly connected by `or`, and can't generate an IndexMerge path for `(a=1 and b=1) or (a=1...
> Should `tryAutoAnalyzeTable()` also be updated? Looks like it should use `HasAnalyzed` to check if a new index hasn't been analyzed yet. And also the newly introduced `checkIndexesNeedAnalyze()`.
After discussion with kennytm, I'll only support `FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ n ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY` part in #985 for now because it seems...