Tim Johns
Tim Johns
Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See https://fb.me/react-unsafe-component-lifecycles for details.
Please update the following components: %s, ModalDropdown
Awesome @siemiatj ! Stoked to use it again
Please remove this deprecated out of date package so people stop trying to use it!!!
Guessing that was aimed at me @fqborges I agree but somebody has to state the obvious too or number of packages that need updates to continue working are going to...
Advice taken, @fqborges & thanks
Yea... I loved it at first, but stopped using it as it ended up eating more time than saving time.... just from having to search for elements.
Makes sense. BTW, if you're only coding for modern browsers, is there still a use for prefixfree in 2016?