Tim Elmer
Tim Elmer
I was able to fix this by verifying that all the requisites from the readme were installed...
This also appears to affect generated HTML output. It also occurs when `reftext` is set explicitly on the block.
It's not *im*possible, but might be outside the scope of the project. The main question is what are you interested in searching *on* and *in*? Filenames are easy, but if...
You could also relatively easily modify your own version of Minixed to return an index of pattern-matched results in the current directory if you want it done server-side, but you'll...
It'd be helpful to know what you've changed and what the permissions to `/medias/foo/bar` look like.
Also observed on Windows 10 21H2 Build 19044.2006 Experience 120.2212.4180.0; occurs with taskbar on top of screen as well. Edit: Occurs sporadically, stopped occurring after undock/re-dock
Same or similar issue, but sporadic. Restarting PowerToys fixes the issue for me temporarily. [PowerToysReport_2022-11-23-10-36-14.zip](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/files/10078263/PowerToysReport_2022-11-23-10-36-14.zip)
I *think* it also occurred on the prior v0.64.0, but I'm not positive. When the issue occurs, the editor doesn't visually appear to start to launch; the wait cursor appears...
5 days? Really?