Tilman Frick
Tilman Frick
Hey @GermaVinsmoke – good catch. We‘ll have a look at it, thanks for reporting!
Hey @DanielRosenwasser! Thanks for the spot, looks like a classical bug. We'll have a look on that!
Hey @voordev, let's have the discussion here: https://gitter.im/meetalva/Lobby?at=5c472b798ce4bb25b8f0e6fe
Hey @mav1283, thanks for the bug report! We'll have a look into this.
Hey @hustlelikeaboss! Can you share your Alva version with us? Did you try to install the library locally or via the Library Store? Thanks!
Hey @torgeirhansen – thanks for the bug report! Just reproduced it, we'll take care of it.
Hey @stevefan1999-personal, thanks for the bug report! Hm, I'm trying to reproduce the behaviour – could you share an example repo maybe? That would be awesome! Thanks, Tilman
Depends on #716
Super cool! Let us know if we can help you somehow!
Yeah, we found out that there is some trouble with the Webpack build. We're investigating it at the moment...