
Results 202 comments of Till!

@crsimmons I understand. Can you give me any pointers if I can manage this via Ansible, or is `concourse-up` potentially destructive of changes done outside of it?

@crsimmons I'd take a stab at a PR, but I couldn't figure out how and where Grafana is installed? Any pointers? I'd propose some changes.

I have a similar question — it seems like docker-compose/-swarm is not really that well supported currently, or it's rough around the edges. I setup the following: https://github.com/linkerd/linkerd-examples/tree/master/getting-started/docker The example...

@deviantony we are managing a lot individual docker or swarm setups with a single instance of portainer. So that seems more scalable in EDGE mode. Also looks like I can...

@hhromic this is also still on my list to test/verify. If you happen to figure out what you need to edit in the boltdb to "migrate" stacks. Can you share?...

Not sure what you do, but when a Prometheus scrap target doesn't respond, we get an `InstanceDown` alert. :)

I re-discovered one more bug, that I didn't fix yet. When I reference a port by name (in a probe), it's cast to 0 — then no checks work either....

@pothos Where does it live? Also, is there a doc about this vs `update_engine_client`?

I had something similar (not linode) once where dhcp failed to hand out a new lease. Can you dig up more from the journal to see if you find something...

The changes don't seem to work? Or are they not in stable? ``` ❯ ./flatcar_production_qemu.sh ./flatcar_production_qemu.sh: mktemp -d failed! ❯ uname -a Darwin MacBook-Air.localdomain 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon...