Tianzhou (天舟)

Results 25 comments of Tianzhou (天舟)

What if we adopt the semantic version https://semver.org, 1. Thus the max rollback version can be based on the semantic version. We can just use the existing version field and...

Shameless plug, I am the author of [Bytebase](https://github.com/bytebase/bytebase) and it does support ClickHouse. We already have data teams using the GitOps feature branch workflow to apply schema change to ClickHouse...

@fyankee we will look into it. BTW, you can turn off schema sync upon creating the instance ![CleanShot 2022-08-23 at 10 56 40@2x](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/230323/186059531-ac51c199-a7f0-442f-b370-ed02032c3cdc.png) After the instance is added, Bytebase will...

Oh, ignore my previous comment. You are syncing a particular database, then we do have a timeout issue if the database contains a lot of tables. Though the proactive sync...

@fyankee the only time we dump data is taking backups and the backup is disabled by default. If you don't want to cache data, you just don't enable backup on...

The schema syncer code is here https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/bytebase/bytebase/-/blob/server/schema_syncer.go?L82&subtree=true. Run once every 30 minuntes.

Noted, we do plan to add LDAP/SSO/SAML later, but it will probably take another couple months after we finish other important features (e.g. adding PostgreSQL support)