Tianzhou (天舟)

Results 25 comments of Tianzhou (天舟)

Thanks for opening the issue and even pointing the exact place! This is a good one. Hopefully, we can deliver it soon.

@heqingy since the large table DDL will take a long time. How do you track the progress currently? And what kind of interface do you expect from us to track...

GitLab managed service is on our roadmap, but there is no ETA yet, so it's at least 1 quarter away usually. We do not support XML file. SQL is the...

BTW, I am actually curious what makes your team chooses XML over plain SQL?

@boyapatisandeep you can follow this series ~~https://docs.bytebase.com/use-bytebase/vcs-integration~~ UPDATED Link: https://www.bytebase.com/docs/vcs-integration/overview

Hi @yubobo, thanks for opening the feature request. It's a reasonable ask and we will consider it. FWIW, to make the FR more useful to other GitHub users, please use...

Yes, it's on our roadmap to support this under the plugin architecture. But it will take a while to reach to that point.

Though not quite here yet, we have laid down the foundation to support sql analyzer in 0.6.0 https://github.com/bytebase/bytebase/releases/tag/0.6.0 We have implemented the syntax check and db connection check in 0.6.0....

Start to work on it now. We have published the database review guide https://bytebase.com/database-review-guide and will incorporate it into the product.

Thanks for asking. Bitbucket will likely be the one we add after GitLab / GitHub. However, that may take a while, since GitLab / GitHub each has on-premises and cloud...