Wenhao Tang

Results 5 issues of Wenhao Tang

When I run `make qasm` with Coq 8.13.1, the `id : R -> R` imported by `Require Import Reals.` overrides `Definition id := string.` and causes a compile error. So...

The Section 5 of the paper _[First-class names for effect handlers](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3563289)_ mentions that when a named but unscoped handler is not found at runtime, an exception will be raised. However,...


[This blog](http://gallium.inria.fr/blog/safely-typing-algebraic-effects/) gives a good example showing the restriction to expressiveness of using row polymorphism for the effect system. In Links, the same problem happens with some slightly modification. Consider...

Sometimes we need to eta-expand block parameters to enable contextual effect polymorphism. For example, ``` effect Ask1(): Int effect Ask2(): Int def asks() = { do Ask1() + do Ask2()...

I tried to define some effects with impure arities / coarities (i.e., impure parameter and result types) but I failed. I wonder if this is possible in Effekt without using...