Wenhao Tang
Wenhao Tang
I realised that Effekt does have explicit abstraction of capabilities which is the same as the abstraction of blocks. With that, I finally defined a version of the `Get` operation...
Thank you, Jonathan! Yes, it indeed looks quite similar to what I want. This pull request seems to add supports for several different things. If I understand it correctly, what...
Thanks a lot! Your answers are very clear and helpful! I think my confusion is all resolved now. > What do you mean with "special syntax for bidirectional effects"? I...
Thanks for your clear and patient answers! Now I think I have a better understanding of higher-order effects in Effekt. Actually, I find that the support for higher-order effects in...
Thank you for your patient answers again! To disambiguate, I'll use the word "*algebraic effects with impure parameters*" to refer to the style of higher-order effects in Effekt, and use...
## 3 I see! Yes, the implementation using mutable state indeed gives the semantics I want. > Do you have an implementation in a language / calculus that does support...
Ah I see! It makes sense that `test1'` raises an exception without any message, though a little misleading. Yes I understand that it is fine for tail-resumptive handlers like `h0`...