James Bromwell

Results 46 issues of James Bromwell

### Is this a regression? - [X] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was 13.3.9...

needs triage

#### Bug, feature request, or proposal: Feature request #### What is the use-case or motivation for changing an existing behavior? Material spec has been updated to add a [Banner component](https://material.io/design/components/banners.html),...

material spec
area: new

# 🚀 feature request ### Relevant Package This feature request is for @angular/core ### Description There is a long history of discussion about whether / how to have the compiler...

area: core
core: inputs / outputs
feature: under consideration

The current documented behavior expects Arrays for the `path` argument to all relevant methods, but actually uses a for-of loop so any iterable will appear to work. However, this means...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Most UI frameworks support a standard set of keys for navigating the UI -- alt+F opens the File menu, arrow...


Console output uses ANSI color escape sequences (`^[40m` etc) to prettify the results, but if the user provides a string value for the `outputTarget`, human-readable output is dumped to a...

Remove duplicate `long` types Long has shipped with its own TS types for a while now, and the package from DefinitelyTyped conflicts with the newest version. TS consumers wind up...

If I have a Java class like ```` public class Test { public static final int one = 1; } ```` JSweet will turn this into ```` class Test {...

**I want to report a bug.** **SonarJS version:** 5.0 (though I think it also applies to 6.2) **Rule key:** RSPEC-2201 **Reproducer** ````js let found; const haystack = { a: [{name,...

type: false positive
topic: quality

Please fill in this template. - [X] Use a meaningful title for the pull request. Include the name of the package modified. - [X] Test the change in your own...

Critical package
Check Config