James Bromwell

Results 47 issues of James Bromwell

I noticed that a lot of the functions of full VSCode are disabled, but the buttons / menus / keyboard shortcuts to open them are still visible. If it's not...

help wanted

I'm trying to find a good way of getting books onto the phone, especially for my family, who have little patience for complex solutions. The best I've come up with...

The old `arcgis-rest-types` package [exposed an interface](https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-rest-js/blob/master/packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts#L918) that describes the shape of [the drawingInfo field](https://esri.github.io/arcgis-rest-js/api/types/IDrawingInfo/) in a layer definition, even though the actual types under ILayerDefinition [failed to use it](https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-rest-js/blob/main/packages/arcgis-rest-feature-service/src/helpers.ts#L648)....


As I commented on #462, the current typings for e.g. `queryFeatures` say that the method returns `Promise`. The method actually returns a `Promise` when the `rawResponse` option is true. It...

I don't expect the library to support consuming the binary MultiPatch encoding natively, but it's possible for [a layer definition](https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/ArcGIS/rest/services/LABuildings_3D/FeatureServer/0) to come back with the subject value for the `geometryType`...

* Operating System: Win10 * Node Version: 12.7.0 * NPM Version: 7.4.0 * webpack Version: 5.21.2 * karma-webpack Version: 5.0.0 ### Expected Behavior All specs run ### Actual Behavior No...

flag: Needs more info

I'd like to know GPU usage for a given process, ideally as a percentage similar to CPU. In Windows, this is possible by [accessing the "Utilization Percentage" Performance Counter](https://superuser.com/questions/1632758/how-to-get-gpu-usage-and-gpu-memory-info-of-a-process-by-powershell7), though...


### Problem Description I recently updated OpenSC using the MSI installer. I think my older version didn't have the notification service, or it wasn't enabled, so I selected the Notify...

help wanted

There are two prettify options that take a list of strings, `errorLikeObjectKeys` and `ignore`. The former accepts an array of strings, while the latter wants a comma-separated list. I actually...

The [docs for createSpy](https://jasmine.github.io/api/edge/jasmine.html#.createSpy) say that the function takes a second argument called "originalFn" that is described as "Function to act as the real implementation". I thought that might mean...

help needed