
Results 8 comments of wo0d


use this vendor:https://github.com/MoKee/android_vendor_xiaomi_sagit/tree/mko-mr1 remember delete out/target/product/sagit/system before you build it again

which version? lineage 14.1 or 15.0?

please wait my next build.

There's no need to run it on daemon

Maybe it seems poor than miui's one,but I don't think it's real. and AOSP seems not support mimo,maybe we can fixe it later.

Same issue on mac, run `poetry add luqum` will add version `0.11.0.linux-x86_64`. I don't know it's a poetry issue or luqum issue. btw, use `poetry add luqum=0.11.0` can bypass it.

Same issue. Delete Lens/binaries directory don't help. Seems Lens creates dir with no permissions and have to change it manually.