android_device_xiaomi_sagit copied to clipboard
You cannot install files while building a separate vendor.img
xiaobai, could you double check your repo. cannot compile, I have still bug in the end of compilation
Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 872415232 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 7616 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 3328 Label: vendor Blocks: 212992 Block groups: 7 Reserved block group size: 55 Created filesystem with 614/53312 inodes and 15889/212992 blocks /out/lineage/target/product/sagit/vendor.img maxsize=890486784 blocksize=270336 total=52712948 reserve=9191424 [ 99% 97658/97663] build /out/lineage/target/product/sagit/obj/NOTICE.html Combining NOTICE files into text Combining NOTICE files into HTML [ 99% 97661/97663] Package target files: /out/li...arget_files_intermediates/ FAILED: /out/lineage/target/product/sagit/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/
Non-symlink /out/lineage/target/product/sagit/system/vendor detected! You cannot install files to /out/lineage/target/product/sagit/system/vendor while building a separate vendor.img! ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. 20:48:36 ninja failed with: exit status 1
failed to build some targets (44:32 (mm:ss))
use this vendor:
remember delete out/target/product/sagit/system before you build it again