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A unified framework for 3D content generation.

Results 260 threestudio issues
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I have been getting CUDA out of memory errors when running the HiFA configs. With hifa.yaml it happens almost immediately (iteration 5 or so) with prolificdreamer-hifa.yaml it happened after 12903...

#### Description The ProlificDreamer implementation is not working in the provided Colab notebook. #### Error Only provided last line for brevity ``` ValueError: The deprecation tuple ('LoRAAttnProcessor', '0.26.0', 'Make sure...

Can this model run on AMD Radeon GPUs? Or is it tightly coupled to Nvidia GPUs? zero123 required 24GB VRAM. AMD GPUs with 24GB vrams are half as expensive.

when trying to run stage 1 of the ProlificDreamer Implementation it fails at the first Epoch. I'm using a fresh Colab Notebook with a A100 GPU and the unaltered command...

Hi I am curious about whether you use the pose optimization technique in this repository.

Hi I am curious about what pose format you used and what global coordinate system like?

I tried with animate124 and can only export a static obj file. Are there any projects that would help export a moving mesh .obj for use in a game?

While running the multi-gpu examples using the readme steps : ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/projects/threestudio/", line 304, in main(args, extras) File "/home/user/projects/threestudio/", line 247, in main,...

Hi, it's unclear to me exactly what methods one needs to implement for a shape representation. I've looked at a few of them which are currently there, and they don't...