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A unified framework for 3D content generation.

Results 260 threestudio issues
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How to increase iteration speed? on GPU RTX 3090 ?

Thanks for great work. I would like to run inference with stable diffusion on google colab, but I met the following error. inference script ``` %cd /content/threestudio !python --config...

I tried to train imagecondition exp with the IF model (because I couldn't set it up with SD), so I replaced the model in the config, and got an error...

Export meshes are really broken :/

- [x] score debiasing from [Debiasing Scores and Prompts of 2D Diffusion for Robust Text-to-3D Generation]( **implemented as `grad_clip` in guidance** - [ ] prompt debiasing from [Debiasing Scores and...


Hello! Amazing work! Just up front, I'm not a researcher and am pretty noob to Linux and command line in general. I was wondering if there was someone who could...

Hi, Awesome job on threestudio. I think it would be great to be able to run a sanity check on the SDS losses by running a very simple pixel optimization...

I dont have enough vram to run deep floyd if so i wish for a colab

Since im using UE5 in Windows, it's cool if threestudio could run under Windows.

help wanted

I tried dreamfusion method but produces three legs dinosaurs. How to avoid that?