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A unified framework for 3D content generation.

Results 260 threestudio issues
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how to use vsd instead of sds in gaussiandreamer?

I am a beginner and not very familiar with the use of this framework. Can I view the source code of DreamFusion or Magic3D from this project? Is there a...

MVDream easy to generate dotted and strange textures? Could you explain the reason and give some tips? Very Thanks.

In [here]( some other places), if `dim` in `torch.cross` is not given, the cross operation may be performed on first dimension as said in [pytorch documentation](, then with `batch_size>1`, `c2w`...

## model - MVDream-threestudio ## To assist you better, could you please provide the specific error message you encountered during the process? This will help in identifying a solution to...

Whoever packaged this project and released it in this state should actually be shot, it's that bad. Even the requirements file is missing a bunch of things.

I was able to export a mesh. One problem I saw is the mesh is not oriented the same way as the video and pictures. I'm using 3d Viewer on...

Hi Great project, thank you for all the work. Is it possible to generate textures other than albedo? PBR textures, or roughness/specular? If not, are there plans to do this...

Hi ThreeStudio team, I tried to run stable-zero123 with freq.guidance_eval = 1 in stable_zero123.yaml file. `python --config configs/stable-zero123.yaml --train --gpu 0 data.image_path=./load/images/chair_rgba.png --gradio ` but I encountered the following...

Gradio is not working ```python dreamer@9d615a31c0af:~/threestudio$ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dreamer/threestudio/", line 13, in import gradio as gr File "/home/dreamer/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/", line 3, in import gradio._simple_templates File...