> @Jak2k In which situations do you use the loop none? I personally would use (and have used) "loop none" most of the time. Sometimes I just want to hear...
Just now it happened again. Please don't ask why, but I just heard the complete soundtrack of a Star Wars film. The music of the credits ended, I was hanging...
Maybe put the loop all/none option here?
I would say loop one has a higher priority than loop all and changing one of them doesn't change the other one, so accidently tapping it wouldn't be annoying
I like it really much too. But couldn't "loop none" be missunderstood since a single song _would_ loop if "loop one" is checked? Maybe "don't loop" would be more concise
> this is the worst idea you ever had You haven't really read the thread, have you?
While I think it is intended for the widget to show controls for a paused song, because it works to resume it (at least with my music app) even though...
The thing I thought of was to have an option to turn the dock (and only the dock) into monochrome icons. Since for the the whole list they're either incoherent...
Another idea was to let the clock (and dock) not occupy the whole page but only so much that a search widget I use peaks out even without scrolling like...
Without a `class_name` one would probably have to do `preload("res://path/to/").foo()`.