Thomas Q Brady
Thomas Q Brady
I'm seeing the beachball any time I try to interact with the menu item, for about 15 seconds, and then it's fine. I'm also seeing frequent slow responses to keyboard...
Having the same issue. A lot of use likely are now using monitors we didn't use as often before social-distancing orders.
Totally get what you mean about not knowing where to draw the line in the demo functionality. Not that this is the only answer, but what I was thinking was...
Totally agreed. Just pushed changes.
Absolutely! Thanks for this project! It was just the convenience I was looking for to get me over the hump starting a pet project (that I'd wanted to use Sapper...
Great, thanks! ## t h o m a s q b r a d y On Jul 2, 2013, at 10:11 AM, Matheus Bratfisch [email protected] wrote: Hey Thomas. I never...
I also have 4.6.3. I have definitely enabled SPI. I've had working RF24 builds with other libraries. Looking to use yours because of the mesh features. ## t h o...
I take that back. The command sudo gpio load api doesn't work. I must be using a different method. I'll check into this and get back to you. ## t...
Yup. Installing now. ## t h o m a s q b r a d y On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Matheus Bratfisch wrote: > Take a...
Okay, GPIO is intalled and SPI is loaded, and I'm getting the same problem. I'm noticing that GenericStation gets instantiated twice, immediately, and then one gets destroyed, and there's a...