Thomas Jungblut

Results 10 issues of Thomas Jungblut

Hey there, thanks for this awesome library! I was playing around with this [today a bit]( I do have a somewhat silly requirement in that _some_ writes may not be...

Sometimes you want to profile projects that are within the given filtered namespaces. For example when I want to profile a Hadoop or HBase daemon, I'm interested in the platform...

just testing things out for now, seems I run into all the issues of the initial design doc :)

super experimental, just playing around with it for now TODO: share an io_uring over multiple reader/writers

Does this controller already support stick tables, favourably with peer syncing? It looks like the models are there, but not sure how the peering configuration would look like.


I finally managed to compile using VS2022, CUDA and ffmpeg - works like a charm and it's super fast. Just wanted to share a couple of gotchas that I found...

Hey there, Thanks for the great project, it helped me gain lots of performance :) I have a little feature request though, since I'm processing multiple mp4 files that I...

hey, can we expose a couple of paths through the nginx config that should not go through the basic auth? I know we have the nginx_status to wire up healthprobes...

Hey Andrea, Do you have any idea how to embed the pyglet window into a jupyter notebook? Currently I output as an image and just reference it from there. Any...

Hey there, I'd like to use zuluMount-cli on my rasberry pi (Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1). > pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a > Linux raspberrypi 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue...