Thomas Jungblut

Results 13 comments of Thomas Jungblut

Any work-around known so far? Terraform wants to create a new EKS cluster for me after adding new subnets :-/

We built our own module, but effectively it's the same TF resource that wants to be replaced yes. It makes sense, since the API doesn't support changing the subnets:

@TimandXiyu I think the libavcodec comes from FFMPEG, you can simply install from Given that you install the correct version as outlined above. Is there anything else missing?

Gotcha, I took the btBN release from here directly: You can check which of the licensed releases contains the headers, I believe it was the LGPL version, but you...

@yukuo78 basically yes, this is equal to the node-selector trick to share GPUs, as described in: go check the follow-ups on the thread for more information.

@benfred any ETA on getting this in and released? I was debugging a model yesterday that had weird evaluation results and came to the same conclusion as @ita9naiwa.

thanks for the fast reply! we have a somewhat stateful backend that we would need to route to a pod by some url path fragment. In vanilla haproxy cfg that...

yeah we have tons of ordering issues with the DNS provider already and also with consistent hashing in some scenarios. Our alternative solution would be to fallback to consistent hashing,...

if we can run haproxy as a statefulset then we would get stable network identifiers for each of them. Does the peering support dns names nowadays?

> it won't support DNS name, but server name in the configuration. then we might have a problem :) > Can we scale out statefulset? (not very familiar with them,...